
Explore the world of Aldrayon.

Shadow stalks the bright.

About Vincent Hunter

our story

Our speciality is epic fantasy. We take great pride in crafting high-quality world-building. We enjoy writing stories that include diverse characters and themes that challenge stereotypical tropes. That’s why our main character casts feature transgender, non-binary, and queer characters as complex individuals.

We use art to complement our stories and to build our universe. It’s especially helpful to make artwork that models our universe because we cannot see the images in our minds.
We’ve created an album of shanties & songs about the world of Aldrayon.

We never saw characters that we could relate to in popular epic fantasy series and fandoms, so we wanted to create a series where those with mixed race and LGBTQIA+ identities wouldn’t be marginalized or misrepresented. We are whole, complex individuals who deserve to be recognized for who we are, not what labels are used to identify us.

Discover Our Fandom

We have a fandom wiki that details our complex world.

Sing some sea-shanties with us. Or engage in the latest Crimson Plumes content.

Stay up to date with our videos and creative content by following us on YouTube and Instagram